Sunday, July 20, 2008

Finally Started a Blog!!!!!!

It seems like everyone starts out their blog this way... "Finally Started a Blog"!!! I decided that I would jump on the bandwagon and A) Start a blog and B) Start my blog in similar fashion.

So I begin. I decided that I would begin by giving everyone a little backstory. (I'm sure that you aren't going to care much about this back story but I'll give it anyway).

The Beginning:

Mike and I have known each other for a long time. Like 12 years. He was a family friend. (Weird I know...also I'll come right out and tell you that there is a 16 year age difference just to get it out of the way). Anyways... so he used to work for a car dealership and there was a guy there that used to host this party called "Lobsterfest" every year and you would pay $10 and get lobster and steak and potatoes, drinks etc. Mike needed a date to this event and told me that he would pay my way and he would pay me to go with him; but he would only pay if I didn't have a good time. So I went with him (Hellooooooo free lobster and steak people) and we have literally been together ever since. We're one of those weird couples where I can literally say this.... I moved in with him a week later.

Fast Forward to 2003- we got a puppy in Septemeber when we moved to a townhouse that would allow pets. We then got engaged on Decemeber 24, 2003. We planned our wedding for April 16th, 2005 and got married on a gorgeous spring day! It was beautiful and I really couldn't have asked for anything more. We decided that we wanted to have children right away so we started trying on our honeymoon. After a few months of nothing I read a book about charting and started to chart my cycles. After over a year of trying and still no pregnancy I went to my Dr and long story short was put on a low dose of clomid. The first cycle was nothing so they bumped me up to 100mg for my second cycle. JACKPOT! 3 weeks later we got a positive pregnancy test and on October 30th, 2006 we found out that I was pregnant with twins!

My pregnancy was pretty smooth sailing until about 31 weeks. That is when I was pulled out of work for borderline toxemia. I was then hospitalized for 24 hours for a protein check and blood work. There was no protein in my urine but I did have high blood pressure and I was sent home on modified bed rest. I gave birth a few weeks later at 34 weeks, 2 days to boy/girl twins Nathan Michael and Morgan Marie. Nathan was born on April 27th, 2007 at 6:56am weighing 4lbs, 3oz and was 17 inches long. His sister followed him at 6:56am (No they did not get their own minute) weighing 3lbs, 15oz and was 16 inches long. Morgan was in the NICU for 24 days and Nathan was in there for 34 days. That was the hardest thing I have ever experienced in my entire life.

Nathan and Morgan are the best things that have EVER happened to me. They are just awesome plain and simple. Now don't get me wrong- being a Parent is HARD. No way to put it... especially being a Mom. I'm the good cop, the bad cop, the Dr, the Nurse, the Mom, the storyteller, the boss, the chef, the cleaner- you name it that is what I am... and that is SO overwhelming. But at the end of the day we are all breathing and happy and looking forward to the next day so what more can I ask for than that?

So 3 weeks before the twins first birthday I think it would be HYSTERICAL to play and April Fools Day joke on Mike. I told him I was pregnant... and I had him believing me for about 10 minutes and then he figured out it was April Fools Day. Guess what friends? The joke was on me! I found out 3 days later on April 3rd that we are indeed expecting again. (Who would've thunk?) We are having a boy and he will be making his big debut the first week of December.

Well I think that about sums it up. There will definitely be more updates and stories to come.... my kids do something unbelievable just about every day so stay tuned! :)


Tartrazina said...

welcome to the blogosphere! your babies are gorgeous - and good luck to the new bump!

Crystal said...

You're off to a great start, and your background story is great! =)