Sunday, March 29, 2009

Not much to report on the homefront...

The reason that I haven't posted isn't because I haven't been wanting's just that we don't really have much going on here that is exciting...

We've had some excellent weather the past few days and yesterday we were actually able to get outside! My mom took the twins overnight Friday night and I had a bridal shower to go to yesterday for Mike's cousin so Mike took Logan to run errands. When I got home I took Logan for a walk and then when we got back I started to set up the yard so that we can finally come and play outside during the week! :) Mike even came outside and put together the swingset. It's functional at the moment but still needs a little work to have it at 100%. I'm also going to get some stain and stain it to make it look prettier b/c we got it from our neighbor and it's a bit old :)

Friday Mar and I took the kids to the Commons. It was a lot of work but I think the kids enjoyed it. Mar has officially decided that she really doesn't like kids- LOL. (Except for mine!)

That's it for today. Once I upload my pics onto the computer I will add pics of the park and outside. But for now enjoy Spring!

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